Monday 10 June 2013

Flights, Flights, Flights!

I strongly dislike flying.

The small space, the long hours, the yucky food.

I know its exciting and it means that I am getting to travel somewhere, but I just dont like it. Anything over 4 hours is just too long!

My dislike of flying started when I travelled to Thailand when I was 17 with my family. I think it is a 8 hour flight and I dont think I had prepared myself for how long that actually is on a plane is. I couldnt sit still at all! I just wanted to walk around, do some exercise, lie flat, ANYTHING but continue to sit in an uncomfortable chair!

My trip to Vietnam was worse. It took 24 hours all up due to a extremely long lay over in Bangkok.

And now I am faced with the worst decision every! Flights to South Africa from Sydney are really weird. So you can pay a heap of money and get a direct flight and you will be there in 12 hours. Alternately you can save yourself $1,500 and take an exotic detour to Abu Dhabi. For those who don't know your geography, its like driving to Darwin on your way from Sydney to Perth. It also more than doubles the trip time.

See my dilemma?!

If only flights were more simple.

My turtle bag packed and about to fly home from Vietnam.

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