Tuesday 1 October 2013

Calling All Crafters!

I have been inspired!

I was reading through a great little book about making toys for children and I have been inspired to make some toys for the little ones in South Africa!

I know I could just as easily buy toys, but these ones come with love!

So far I have made...

Debo the donkey (I wanted to name it after my mum, but she wasnt so keen. So this was the compromise.)

And I am half way through knitting a teddy bear

But I need some help!

I only have 2 hands and sadly I cant spend all day crafting. So if you have any crafty ability and want to take the challenge with me to make a toy for a little one in Africa, I would love your help! It doesnt need to be fancy or big, just made with love!

Because I am sure the little ones over in South Africa would be so thankful for anything made with such love!

1 comment:

  1. I have just read this and I have a brainwave! I am sure the lovely gals on Chatterfox would be happy to help. They can whip things up in a jiffy!!
