Thursday 26 December 2013

A Christmas Miracle

Christmas is usually a time of many family gatherings. Its the time when relitives see each other for the first time in months. Its the time when people like to stop what they are doing and return back home to be around family. Apparently most years this poses a problem for TLC. Christmas is the time when very few people volunteer to come help at TLC. To run the nursery at TLC there needs to be a minimum of 9 volunteers here. At the end of last week we had 7 volunteers with 2 about to leave. This ment that it was a pretty crazy time, we where working 12 hour days and not able to have days off. It also ment that we didnt have enough people to cover all of the jobs that needed to be done here. There wasnt enough people to get all of the washing up done. There wasnt enough people to get all of the days laundry done. At times there wasnt even enough people to look after all of the different groups of kids. 

The schedule for Christmas day was looking even crazier. We where scheduled to work a 13+ hour day without a break, with groups joined together because there wasnt enough people to supervise the kids. And noone to do any of the washing/laundry at all during the day. 

But God is good. And he provides.

Lots of people where praying that more people would come, or that somehow we would be able to cope with having so few people. And God answered. 

Within the space of 48hours 6 people came forward. 2 girls from America felt that God had put it on their hearts to come to South Africa to work in an orphanage and so did a Google search, made a phone call to TLC and 2 days later where here on our door steps. A past volunteer and her boyfriend hear about the shortage and flew all the way from England to help. And 2 other local people had it on their hearts to help and offered. 

This has taken so much of the pressure and stress off. It means I will be able to call home on Christmas day to say hi. 

God is so good. Here is Africa I have been amazed at the way he provides. It really blows me away!

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