Monday 30 December 2013

Pray point

Could really use some pray, if you are a praying person. 

I have been pretty much sick since I have got here. Apparently its pretty normal, I am living out on a farm, drinking different water, working with kids, working very long hours, getting a lot of less sleep, eating very different food with a lot less fruit and vegetables. I was pound to get sick. 

Its been in my sinuses and throat for the last 3 weeks, which has been pretty bearable. I have kept looking after the kids and pushing through it. Taking some Panadol when I can. But the last few days the cold has traveled downward into my chest.

I am pretty prone to chest infections. Earlier this year I had pneumonia/brochettes and it wasn't pleasant. I think I get a little asthmatic when I am sick. 

I had notice it had travelled to my chest a few days ago, it wasn't bad though. So I pushed through. Big mistake.

On Thursday morning I was having trouble breathing. My chest was super tight and I was pretty weazy. I had a puffer from when I was sick earlier in the year so I was using that, but it didn't seem to be doing anything so I assumed I was being a hypochondriac and pushed through. 

Saturday morning I was still having the tightness and trouble breathing, it was getting slightly worse but I was trying to ignore it and use my puffer. That evening, after a huge 12 hour day with the kids I took a shower and was having lots of trouble breathing. I thought I should go to bed early, cause I might be able to sleep it off, but when I got into bed I couldn't breath at all. I went out into the main area of our cottage where luckily one of the girls I am living with found me. 

They took me to hospital, despite me saying that I was fine. I went straight in and had to be put on a nebuliser with steroids. 

Apparently what had happened, when I was ignoring my chest problems I was actually making it harder for my lungs to breath and was doing damage to them, so much so that my lungs where compressed and very inflamed, which was why I was having so much trouble breathing. It was apparently particularly the top parts of my lungs, which is why the puffer wasn't working. 

I went home later with a stack of medicines. Literally a stack, I have to take 8 steroids a day to keep my chest open. 

I am currently lying in bed. My chest is still very sore and I am still having tightness and trouble breathing. But it is starting to get better. I am still having to use the nebuliser every few hours. TLC has one which we use for the children with TB and other respiratory disorders. The kids love when I am using it, they hold the mask to my face and say "good" and clap their hands for me. Its what we usually do when we have to neb them. Its so cute, and makes being nebed much better! 

I would love some pray. That I make a quick recovery. And that I don't have to visit the emergency room again this trip! And that I have my breath back so I can sing to the kids again. 


  1. We prayed for you at EC. Get better immediately (that's an order).

  2. Praying for you sweetie..♥ Mum

  3. Oh Em, you poor thing!! I will be praying for you too.

  4. You are so brave. Hope you are on the mend.
