Sunday 14 July 2013

Home Haircuts

Uni has many perks and I seriously enjoy it so much, but one of the big downsides is that it doesnt leave much time for earning money. I have been so blessed with an amazing job at a pharmacy that I absolutely love, but lets face it, when I am working 2 mornings a week I am not exactly bringing in the millions. Which makes it a little difficult to save for Africa!

I came to the decision a while back that I wasnt going to ask for any financial support for my own trip over to TLC (well execpt for my lovely parents who have offered to pay for my insurance. Thanks mum and dad!). If people wish to financially support what I am doing, I would rather that money be given directly to TLC as I think that is a better use of the money long term.

So to help me save for my trip I have started employing some interesting cost cutting adventures.

For those who dont know hair cuts in Sydney can be expensive! For a girl, the cheapest you could probs get it for would be about $20.

So on Monday I saved and put $20 towards Africa by cutting my own hair.

It may not seem like much but in my world every little bit counts.

And it doesnt look to bad!

a great way to support the work which is happening at TLC is
to financially support them which can be done by making a once off
donation or adopting a cot, both which can be done through their website:

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