Sunday 3 November 2013

One Month

Yesterday, was one month before I am due to leave. It was also the day that I had a fundraiser for TLC.

It was an awesome day!

I had been so nervous about it for weeks. and on top of that I had also been a bit stressed. I had two major assignments due on friday, which have taken up alot of energy, and then on top of that I was trying to get everything ready for the fundraiser.

Mum was amazing! She cooked so much and asked so many ppl to cook (which also had its negative side, cause I hadnt realised she had asked heaps of people to cook so I asked heaps of people to cook and well, there was a lot of food!). We got there at 12 to start packing up. Thanks Luke for doing all the heavy lifting, I really appreciate it. Others came early to help as well! Which was amazing! A big thanks to my community group who lifted my mood as soon as I got there.

We had put a whole lot of picnic rugs on the ground on the grassy area at church. I hung bunting in the trees and Mum put out some nice lace table cloths. Mum also put out a kids table with some play dough, for all the little ones who where coming. I placed the board games on the ground and some of the food on the tables and we were ready to go.

It was such a lovely chilled arvo. People just hung, chat and played board games. I filled 2 pin boards with information and images of the kids that I got from my friend Louise who has been over to TLC, so people could read about my trip and how valuable the work they do over there is. They sat on a table with a decorated box, so if anyone wanted to donate they could.

I got around to talking and thanking everyone. And also had some time to make some play dough cupcakes with Julians niece Lucy.

There were people of all ages and all different places there. From Julians other niece Norah who is 7 months old and Todd who is 6 months old, to all my grandparents. There where my church friends, my family, my cu friends, my mums friends, my work friends and so many other friends there to support. Julians Mum even travelled all the way from Newcastle for it.

And boy did I feel supported! I felt so loved! And I felt like they really wanted to see God do amazing things over there through me!

Towards the end, after a little push from Julian's brother Myles, I got up and said a really big thank you. Then Grandpa prayed for me. My grandpa was a minister for 40 years before he retired and so he knows how to project his voice and say a great pray!!

I had to be at another event at 6.30, so we started packing up around 5. Mum, Dad, Jackie, Lauren and Julian stayed around till the very end to help pack up. Jackie and Lauren counted the money, and I wanted to cry when I heard that we had raised $2106.85 that day for TLC. People there had been so so generous! It was amazing.

But what is also incredible, is that the donations haven't stopped! I came home to find money in my letterbox. and others have really wanted to help! Grace and Eric, my friends from church, have even offered to organise a sausage sizzle tonight after church, again putting any money given to TLC! It is just amazing!

That money is going to be, beyond words, helpful for them. I am going to put it into a bank account and take over a special ATM card. If there is a need over there I will whip out my special ATM card. If there is an opportunity to give the children an opportunity they have never had before, like going to the zoo or having their first milkshake, I shall bring out the special card. If a child has never had a stuffed toy for themselves I shall bring out the special card. If a child vitally needs medication I shall bring out the card! The list could go on! What ever is left over at the end I shall give as a lump sum to the orphanage.

The day was amazing! And the fact that people where so generous was amazing! I am so encouraged and thankful!

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