Friday 1 November 2013

Tomorrow Tomorrow

Tomorrow I will be having a little fundraiser for TLC! I have made so many yummy spinach and feta rolls and cakes, it is going to be great!! 

I have also made a little box, which is going to sit on the side for people to donate to the home, if they would like to. I wont be pushing anyone for money at all, if they want to donate they can put it in the box. So far, there is already $250 in the box! I am so excited!

But I just thought I should write a little post telling everyone what my plan is with the money! I want it to be heaps clear that I wont be spending any of it on me. Not a cent. All money will be spend on the little ones over there. I am planning on putting the money into a special bank account and having the atm card over there with me. If an opportunity presents itself to use the money on the kids I plan on using that card. Any money which is left over at the end (which I sure will be heaps) will be given as a lump sum to TLC. 

So what things specifically will the money be going towards? Well here is a list of possibilities:


For $15 Australian you can contribute towards the nurturing of a child occupying a certain cot for a MONTH! The money goes towards buying formular, nappies, clothes, dummies, medicine and so much more! Due to financial strain, some of the cots at TLC are empty for the first time in years! So this is a valuable thing to be donating to!


30 newborns and toddlers means lots and lots of nappies! $25AUD is spent each day at TLC! WOW!

Many of the kids suffer from illnesses and diseases such as HIV, Hepatitis and the list goes on. These little ones need daily doses of medication so they don't get extremely sick. $10AUD buys a bottle of medication for a child.


TLC feeds all its workers and children from what it grows. In order for the farm to run efficiently they hire a farm worker to grow the veggies, look after the chickens and milk the goats. It cost $500 a month to pay this worker! Imagine how valuable it would be to help fund the farm!


Christmas is just around the corner and TLC has many little ones in its family. Some of the children may never have had a christmas present before!


Johannesburg is not the safest place in all of the world. To keep all the little ones and their helpers safe at TLC a watch tower is being build so the area can be monitored. This project cost $4,500AUD. The money you give could go towards keeping the little ones safe.


TLC strives to give the little ones the best upbringing that they can. This means encouraging them to experience lots of things in their little lives! For this reason, you could be funding the children's first trip to the zoo or their first milkshake or their first hair cut and the list goes on! These type of things are not only important for their development, but also so they feel loved!

There are many kids at TLC who are enrolled at the local school. School is so valuable in South Africa because it increases your employment opportunities and decreases the likelihood of ending up in poverty! However school is not free or cheap over there. You could help fund a child's school fees for a part of the year! The average cost for 
-A preschool child is $150 Australian per month
-A Primary School Child is $60 Australian per month
-A High School Child is $250 Australian per month.

Imagine how valuable it would be for you to provide one of these little ones with a months worth of education!

This is just a short list of the way any donation you make will go towards the little ones at TLC. Each dollar is so valuable, and I am so thankful for your partnership in this :)

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