Thursday 24 October 2013

Need Your Help

South Africa is a country where the life expectancy is 52 years, because of limited access to health care. Where 1/4 of the population live off less than $1.50 Australian a day. Where citizens spend more time at funerals than weddings, haircuts or grocery shopping. I would like to do some thing about this, but I need your help! 

I would really like to raise some money to take over to The Love of Christ home for abandoned children, where I am heading for 3 months. My trip has already been covered for financially, I am just hoping to take some money over to the home, so that they can continue doing the great work they do - things like buying nappies, educating the children, getting medication, clothing and food for the kids etc. Our money buys a lot over there and every dollar is such a help!

So I am having a little dessert and games afternoon to raise some money and so people can hear about the great work they are doing over there. There will be a box at the door where you can make a donation for entry, it can be as little or as much as you would like. I am not looking for a certain amount of money or a large amount of money, each dollar given is a dollar more the home has than it did yesterday and a big help! Every dollar which is put in the box I will take directly to Africa and will be spent on the children.

ALL are welcome to come! 

It is at Christ Church Gladesville at 2pm on the 2nd of November. 

I really appreciate your support and partnership in this. 

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