Wednesday 23 October 2013

Generous Justice

I have started reading a book by Tim Keller called Generous Justice. With 5 weeks to go before I leave for South Africa, I thought it was a good thing to read, but man oh man has it been convicting!!!

I think something that has challenged me the most so far is to be seeking Justice in all areas of my live. It would be so easy to head over to Africa for 3 months and then return to a comfortable upper middle class life in Australia and feel like I have 'done my bit' for my life time.

But Tim defines biblical justice as making LONG TERM personal sacrifices in order to serve the vulnerable, poor and marginalised members of our society. It is an overflow of the grace we have been shown by Jesus.

So I feel like I have been challenged to think about seeking justice beyond my Africa trip and how I can make long term sacrifices to serve others in the future.

image from

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