Monday 11 November 2013

Three Weeks And Counting!!

In three weeks from today I shall be hoping on board an plane to Africa!

My plane leave at around 10 and either Jules or dad shall be taking me to the airport.

Its safe to say that nerve levels are high. I am excited, but I also dont completely know what to expect, which makes me nervous. It also just keeps hitting home how long 3 months is. It is not going to be easy to be away from my life here in Sydney for that long, especially Julian.

There is also SO much to get done before I go. Uni has hit the busiest time of the year. This week I have two 40% exams and 1 big assignment due in. The week after that I have another 40% exam. On top of that cause I will be away for so long I am having to finalise so many things for uni before I go.

On top of that, there is work, packing, last minute organisational thing and lots of people I want to catch up with before I go! So it is going to be a busy 3 weeks!

I am feeling so supported!! So many people have been praying it has been so encouraging! And so many people have been supporting financially!! It is out of control!! $3210 has been raised for TLC!! It is so so amazing!! I am in the process of organising a way to take the money over with me. It is so valuable and they are going to be able to do so much with that money.

If you have helped in either of these ways I would like to say a HUGE thank you!! I seriously appreciate it!!

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