Monday 11 November 2013

My Mum

Introducing my mum..

She goes by many names in my house. Mum, mumma, Debbie, Deborah, Debs, Bora, Crazy lady and Old lady Debbie just to name a few.

She is my best friend!

Whenever anything exciting happens I want to tell her. Whenever anything sad happens I want a hug from her.

She makes life interesting, with her smelly farts and frequent burping, her limited computer ability, her craftiness, her inability to complete a task, her crazy sense of humour, her eBay obsession, her Pintrest obsession, her Etsy obsession, her secret stashes of weird objects around the house, her inability to cook meals like a normal person, her interesting ideas and crazy plans, the way she dances around the house singing kids songs, her secret weekly trips to vinnies, her busyness, her love for her family. She is pretty great.

She makes me laugh so much. She has a secret stash of barbies up in the top of her cupboard. She wants to cut off all the barbies boobs in the shape of a heart and make barbie boob heart necklaces.

Recently she has acquired a partner in crime, my boyfriend. They are such good friends, sometimes I will come down stairs to find Julian and mum chatting away. Sometimes when Jules gives me a hug mum will quickly come over and join the cuddle. Mum and Julian been so tight has its negatives though, cause sometimes they will gang up on me to get me to do things. Like shave my legs, because they have become a forest. Or get me to eat some fruit, cause all I have had during the day is chocolate.

My trip to Africa will be the longest time I have ever spend way from her. And it is going to be hard.

But I know that she will be there when I get home. And I know I am going to look forward to coming home to her :)

Mum and I, at 2 months old

Mum and I, at 2 years old

Mum and I, at 3 years old