Thursday 7 November 2013


Life has just been so tiring at the moment.

It is 3 and a half weeks till I leave and I had really wanted to spend this time building up my sleep stores and having lots of down time, cause lets face it there probably wont be heaps of time for that in Africa.

But of course life has different plans.

I have been run off my feet lately. The past few days I have left the house when the sun has risen and have not returned till dark. I am not getting the chance to have lunch, I am having to eat while walking between places. And there are assignments and uni work coming out of my ears!

When I am tired I get snappy. I have noticed myself get snappy at some of my close friends and Julian recently. It breaks my heart to act this way. It just makes me want to drop what I am doing, go to bed and hide from the world.

But I know there is light at the end of my tired tunnel! In 2 weeks I shall be finished uni for the semester and will have sometime to sleep and relax before I go. And in the mean time I have a great God, who pours out his love to me, and provides me with fresh mercies each day. So even in those moments when I can't stand spending another second trying to remember another uni concept, or when I hate myself for being impatient and grumpy with the people I love the most, I take comfort in the fact that God is good, and loves me more than I deserve.

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