Monday 4 November 2013

Wondering what's next?

Did you enjoy coming along or hearing about the fundraiser events this weekend? Are you wondering how else you can help? Well you have come to the right place!!

Here are 4 ways you can continue to help me and TLC 

Continue to financially support TLC! Financial donations keeps TLC running! You can continue to support TLC financially by bank transfer. The details are TLC Australia Westpac BSB 032249 Acct 279015/

Prayer for TLC! The work at TLC would not be able to happen if it wont for God! It would be amazing to continue to have TLC and the children in your prayers. To find out more prayer points you can visit TLC’s website at

Prayer for Em! I can already foresee that this trip is going to stretch me so much! I would really appreciate all the pray I can get, because it is only though Gods strength that I will be able to last the 3 months! For updates and prayer points you can look right here!!! 

Go! TLC is always in need of volunteers to show Gods love to the little ones. People of all ages can go and serve in this way! I am sure the experience is challenging, yet rewarding. For more information check out TLC’s website:

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