Sunday 15 December 2013

Beginners Bible

Before I left Julian bought me a Beginners Bible! I am studying to be a Primary School teacher so I have a collection of fun kids books!

I decided to take it over to Africa with me and to read it to the kids! My hope is that I will have read through the whole Bible by the time I leave.

Its looking so promising! The kids absolutely love the bible! Granted, its the only book that they know, but whenever I ask them what book they would like to read they always scream THE BIBLE!! It brings such a smile to my face.

At the moment I have been trying to read the bible to the creepies (the 1 year olds) and the lions (the 2-3 year olds). We read at bed time and just when we have a chance during the day! They love it!! So much!! At the moment we are up to Moses.

It blows my mind that not only do these beautiful little ones get a home and a family who love them, they also get the best thing they could ever get, knowledge about their God.

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