Sunday 15 December 2013

My day off!!

My day off happened the other day! After working 7 days straight, for 11-12 hours per day I was in extreme need of it!

Only problem is, there isn't really much to do here. TLC is located in a rural area of Joburg and you have to drive to get anywhere.

So I arranged a lift and went to the local shops to do some shopping! I decided to make it more interesting by taking one of the little bubs here. The little guy is 8 months old and has only left the farm once or twice. So he was SO excited to experience the world!

I felt like a real mumma! I had to pack a million baby things into a baby bag. I put him in one of the baby wearing pouches we have here and off we went! It was a little strange for me when I got in the car with the driver, here legally kids don't have to be in a car seat, they just get held. It was really weird to hold the little one in my arms while we drove.

The 2 of us had the best time! He LOVED it! We had lunch out, I had a sandwich and he had a bottle. He kept cooing and making noises of excitement until he exhausted himself out and slept on my chest. I enjoyed just being out and about! I was also able to go grocery shopping (I stocked up for the winter!!), which was so nice because I am having trouble adjusting to the meals here..

It was so so nice! I cant wait till my next day off. I think I will do the same thing again, with a different bubba this time :)
Me and the little guy getting ready to go out. I am looking kinda gross. I am always looking kinda gross here.. 


  1. Such a great are a real Mumma !

  2. Our prayers and thoughts are with you

  3. I'm catching up on your life! Just worked out how to navigate this site and have read heaps of your posts! Miss you! Must stop and sleep now so I can look after my small group of kids, 1 grub, and 3 lions! Love ya! Keep it up! You are a huge encouragement to me!xxxooo Liv
