Sunday 5 January 2014

Are you a visual person?

Here are a few images of TLC to give you a taste of what its like here :)

This is where I am living at the moment. In one of these cottages. There are 4 of us living in my cottage at the moment and next week we will be increasing to 5. I love my cottage and room! It feels like home. Except, unlike home we need to make sure the door is closed at all times so the snakes dont come in!

This is the road I walk up everyday to go to the nursery. Its not a long walk, but at 6am in the morning it sure feels long!

We are on a farm, an experience which is very new to me. On my walk to work each day I pass many animals, some which are just roaming free. Very different to the suburbs of Sydney!

TLC is pretty big. Its quiet a number of acres. Which is great because it means that there is lots of room for the kids to play!

This is the creepy garden and main court yard where the lions have their lunch. I spend a lot of my time here!

This is the nursery. I spend alot of my time here as well!

This is the main sleeping area in the nursery. All of the Creepies, Grubs and Fledgies sleep here (thats more than 19 babies!!). It can be a very noisy place at bed time! Luckily for us, the kids are very use to sleeping through loud noises!

This is where our Lions live. The Lions are the 2-3 year old bubs. There are 9 of them in this room! Its always lots of fun.

1 comment:

  1. Emily today is a special day - happy birthday with love from Nana and Grandpa. Loved your pictures and stories on you blogspot you have kept us informed beautifully.
