Friday 10 January 2014

The OT and Justice

So I have been reading this awesome book lately about biblical justice and I was really interested to read about all the ways the Old Testament talked about Justice!

There were a couple of OT laws which promoted justice, including;

1. The law of tithing. All Israelites gave 10% of their annual income to the priest for the upkeep of the temple. However, every third year the tithes were put in public storehouses so that the poor, fatherless, widows and alienated could receive them! (Deuteronomy 14:29)

2. The law of gleaning. Landowners could not gather all the grain their land produced. They had to leave some for the poor to gather themselves! It enabled the poor to provide for themselves without relying on benevolence.

3. The law of release. This directed that any Israelite who fell into debt had to be forgiven of those debts every seventh year. This law removed one of the key factors causing poverty, long term burdensome debt!

The OT has heaps more to say about justice, these are just 3 awesome laws that I think really reflect Gods view of Justice.

And although Jesus has come and fulfilled many of the OT laws, they are still really helpful in guiding our thinking and actions today! Especially these laws!

Imagine a society which followed these laws.

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