Saturday 4 January 2014

Back Singing Again

I am back on schedule properly now after being sick. I was helping out yesterday, just here and there so there was enough hands on deck (whenever I say that phrase I always think of my friend Sophie Deck, who has "all hands on deck" written on her fridge). I found it pretty tough, I was so nauseas all morning from the antibiotics I have been taking. 

The antibiotics the hospital gave me are ridiculously strong, they make me so so sick in the stomach. They are the same antibiotics my brother had when he had his leg amputated! At least I can be sure they will do the job?

Today, however, I felt like a brand new person! I was so excited to be with the kids. I have missed them so so much! It was only a week but I felt like they had grown up so much around me! One of the little grubs (the 6months to 1 year group) took his first 2 steps while I was sick! 

I still have some infection lingering. I have found myself getting tired more easily today and I can still feel the infection in my chest. But I have enough breath to be able to sing again to the kids! I sing to them when they eat, when we play, when they have a shower, when they are doing something really well and when they go to sleep! I love to sing to them, because they love to be sung to! 

My favourite time of the day to sing is bed time. Bed time is the hardest time for some of the kids here. Most kids dont like going to bed, but for some of these little ones they have experienced things in a bed or in a cot that we couldn't imagine. So going to bed for them is very scary. So to make it less scary I sit near them and sing. I sing about their God, who loves them so much. Their God who is mighty to save and who we can seek such refuge in, especially in places which are scary for them. 

I am so thankful to be back and to be able to sing again.

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