Monday 20 January 2014

Date Days

My days off have turned into date days with the kids. We try to give the kids as much one to one time as possible, but with the number of kids we care for we dont get to give as much individual time to the kids as we would like. So I have taken the opportunity on all of my days off so far to have some one on one time with a child. 

It has been so great! The child absolutely loves it! And I have also found that its good for them developmentally, most of the kids I have taken out have been noticably more talkative while we are out. I also love it! It makes me feel like a real mum. And I just like being able to give the quality time to the little ones here.

This week I took a little 17 month old girl out to the shops. She has had some pretty traumatic things happen to her when she was younger which has made her very scared of people she doesnt know, so I knew it was going to be an interesting trip! 

She did so well though! As long as I was holding her, she was so happy and content (she had the scariest high pitch scream if I tried to put her down. So I had to carry her the whole time. It was an extreme workout!). When we had been at the shops for a while she warmed up and started to wave at people and blow them kisses. It was so sweet.

We stopped for a coffee. She had a babychino, which was a BIG hit! Milk went everywhere, but she enjoyed it!

She also helped me a lot with my shopping. I got her to pick out things, like a present for my mum (well by pick out I held 2 things up to her and got her to point at one of the 2 things. It was still her choice though, which she loved!). 

Towards the end of the trip we where looking in a shoe store and I noticed that there was no one in it except the sales assistant. So I tried putting her on the floor again, and she let me. She was wondering around, looking at things when she caught a glimpse of herself in a floor length mirror. She went over to the mirror cautiously and then started to give her reflection kisses. It was the sweetest thing ever!! 

All in all the shopping trip was a success! It was lots of fun, and only involved a few toddler tantrums. I cant wait for another date next week with another little one. 

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