Tuesday 4 February 2014

When I'm Gone

The count down has begun.

I only have 3 weeks on schedule left.

That may sound like a long time to some, but here at TLC 3 weeks is gone in the blink of an eye!

And it is already looking like it is going to be a busy 3 weeks. 1 week I shall be spending on night shift.  Night shift is pretty full on, and I am not going to lie, I really don't like it. We do 7 days in a row on night shift. There is 2 people on, and we work from 7pm till 6am straight. There are around 20 babies who need feeding every 3-8 hours during the night and on top of that we have to all the cleaning that doesn't get done during the day, including the laundry. Its going to be a full on week, especially because I am going to be the night shift leader, which means all the responsibility is on me.

There are heaps of things that I would like to do before I go. I would like to take some of the kids to the Zoo. I would like to go to an African Church. I would love to help with the outreach mission we have started to the local slums.

On top of that I just want to spend some quality time with the babies who have become like my own. I want to spend lots of cuddles, lots of laughs and lots of fun.

I have started singing a new song to the kids, its the cup song from Pitch Perfect. The main line in it goes "Your going to miss me when I am gone", but instead I sing to the kids "I am going to miss you when I am gone". Because I am. I am going to miss them so so much.

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