Tuesday 4 February 2014

Jesus and Justice

I feel like Jesus is the ultimate prime example of Justice. Classic, but so true.

He sets pretty high standards, especially when you take in the context of the day.

He lived with the poor. He ate with, hung with and lived with social outcasts. He spoke to women in public, which was something that men with social standing would not have done back in his day. He made a socially hated person the hero of his parable (Luke 10;26). He LOVED children, who even the disciples didn't think were worth his time. He loved Gentiles as equally as he loved Jews (God's chosen people). He loved and hung with lepers, who were the outcasts of society.

Jesus had serious love and concern for the vulnerable people in his society. He showed us what it really means to love everyone! Irregardless of race, gender, ethnicity, social ranking...

I have this thought when I think of this. I am like, I am pretty good then. I am not really racist and I dont discriminate at all about gender and there are others who are much more obsessed about their social ranking than me.

But the truth is, I fall so short. Although I may not make heaps of racist comments I some times get a little bit of pride from being Australian. Sometimes I find myself thinking things like, I am glad I live in Australia and not (insert developing country here).

Although I may not be making heaps of sexist comments I do turn a blind eye to sexism that is still going out in the world. The many women who have their bodies exploited for money. Or worse, the many young girls who have their bodies exploited.

I may not be as concerned about my social ranking as others may be, but how often am I hanging with people who are socially vulnerable in our society.

Although I give money away, how much more do I have then others! How much do I buy because I want it, when there are millions living with less than $2 a day.

If we are looking to model and grow ourselves to look more and more like Jesus, loving the vulnerable is a huge part.

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