Thursday 27 February 2014

Final Days

My final days here in South Africa have been very exciting!! 

I was lucky enough to have the whole weekend off!! (A total luxury, I haven't had a weekend off in 3 months!). 

On Saturday I took our beautiful 6 year old girl who has cerebella palsy to the Zoo. It was so fun, we both had a blast! The Zoo here is so lovely! We saw all the animals which was very exciting for Miss 6 years old because she adores animals! Except monkeys, she is scared stiff of monkeys (which was very entertaining for me!).

On Sunday I was lucky enough to go to Church! I went with one of the other volunteers here, and it was really awesome! It was a full on African church, they sang songs in Zooloo, did African Drumming and African dancing. It was so fun!

On Monday, two of the other volunteers and I took all the creepies to the Zoo! (it was a Zoo kind of week!). It was SO much fun, the kids LOVED it! For most of them it was the first time they had been to the zoo. They where so fascinated by the animals!  We had 2 strollers, and 3 kids squashed into each stroller, which was fun and got us lots of odd looks! At the end of the day the kids where so tired they fell asleep, on top of each other, in the strollers! They didnt minds, they where in such good moods from the outing!

Finally, Wednesday was my day off to pack and things like that. But instead I went with two of the other girls to Soweto to do a bicycle tour! Soweto is one of the most famous townships in South Africa, its where Nelson Mandela lived for a large portion of his life. I felt like I got a true African tourist experience! We got to dress up in traditional clothing, we had our face painted, we unknowingly ate cow tongues, danced with African dancers and saw all around Soweto. 

I found it really interesting seeing the different class levels in the town. From the lower class shacks and slums to the upper class restaurants. It was such a fun day! The other girls and I had a blast! 

It was also such a fun week! I haven't had a week with this much adventure and outings in so long. Usually it is rare for me to have left TLC’s premises during the week. It was so exciting and such a treat!

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