Thursday 6 February 2014

Bible Study

Here at TLC we start work each morning at 6am and don't finish till 7pm, everyday. Including Sunday. I was finding it hard, not just because its a lot of work, but also because it means that we don't really get the opportunity to go to church on a Sunday. 

Church and fellowship is so important to the christian life. Jesus calls us to “not give up meeting with one another”, cause it is extremely important.
For that reason I have started up a little bible study here at TLC. Its nothing fancy, anyone is welcome, its just a group of us who gather around to read Gods word and pray. 
Usually we have around 8 girls who come. Last night we had 20. It was pretty exciting! 
We have been reading through Mark’s Gospel. Its been really good to read about Jesus. I am also really excited we chose a Gospel because there are a few non-christian girls who come along from time to time and its really exciting that we can share the good news of Jesus with them. 
If you are a praying person I would love for pray. Because at the moment I am the person who has been leading it and organising it and buying food for it. But I only have 3 more Sundays left here. So pray that it will continue when I leave. That God will work through the people who are coming to not give up meeting with each other, and rather that they will be excited to gather with Gods word and spur each other on. 

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