Monday 10 February 2014

My Favourite Place

My favourite place at TLC has quickly become The Nest.

The Nest is where the newborn babies, 3 months and under, live. Its a quiet room filled with baby cots and lots of little ones.

At the moment there are 7 little ones in The Nest. A couple of weeks ago there was 9 little ones in there.

Most of the time there is only 1 volunteer in The Nest, so it can get pretty crazy in there! When 1 baby starts crying it often sets off the rest. There are also a few little prem babies in there as well, which can make it a little more challenging cause they need lots of extra attention.

A typical few hours in The Nest is filled with lots of feeds, lots of nappy changes, lots of sleep and especially lots of baby cuddles. I love to just sit and hold one of the Nesties in my arms and rock them to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful pics, Emily. You are doing an amazing job!!
