Saturday 7 December 2013

Back in the 5am club

At church a few years back I was in an accountability group called P31. It was just a group of girls my age and an awesome babe of a leader and we would meet read the bible and share our walk with God with each other. It was called P31 because it stood for Proverbs 31, which is about a women of nobel character. We, as a group, where looking to grow to be more and more like this women. 

For a little while we decided to do something called the 5am club. This was an idea from a book Mel read, and what happened was we all got up at 5am each morning so we could spend time in Gods word. At 5am we would call each other and check that we where all up. 

Why 5am? Well, we wanted to make time with God a priority, by waking up a bit early than we needed to so that we could spend undivided attention in his word. I will admit I wasnt very good at it. I actually dont think I ended up actually doing many 5am starts.

But now I am back in the club! We have to be waking all the kids up at around 6am so I have been making myself get up at 5 each morning to read my bible! It has not been easy for me, working a 13 hour day and then getting up at 5am! 

I am not sure how long it will last, but I am determined to keep setting aside a time each day to spend with God. If you are the praying type pray that I shall be doing this :)

1 comment:

  1. ....what time is it in Australia when it is 5am in Africa ? if I knew I would pray for you
