Thursday 5 December 2013


After a long flight I have arrived. I left at 6am in the morning from home and didnt arrive until 4am in the morning the next day. I am still feeling the after effects of the flight! This morning I woke up wide awake at 3am South African time (which is about 12noon Sydney time). AHHH

I have settled in well. Yesterday I spend the day starting to learn about the kids and finding my feet. I spent most of my time with a baby in my arms holding it tight.

Today I have started being on the schedule. For me today it is a 13hour day. I was up at 5am this morning and I will be with the kids at 7pm tonight when they head to sleep. Its pretty full on. Especially when it is going to be like this 6 days a week.

Wish me luck.

Or better, pray.

1 comment:

  1. Tough schedule with a very early start...but how wonderful to have a baby in your arms most of the day ♥
